The networking rulebook is not like Charlton Heston climbing the mountain to retrieve the ten commandments, there ARE no set rules. The bulk of creating connections depends on your conversation and relationship building skills. People who network a lot have a knack into reading a person's presence before they even talk about business. If you don't click with one person, it's okay. Talk it out and move on to the next person. The real goal of networking is to meet as many people as possible, if you take even one positive connection out of five potential ones; it may generate more results that you could have imagined.
When you make the decision to proactively network, just remember it takes time to develop a relationship. While some people may be an easy connection and fit, others may take weeks, months and even years to develop in ways that you never thought of when you first met them. Think of the other relationships you have in your life; friends, significant others, business partners...although the spark can happen quickly, it takes time to really contribute. Sifting through the LA networking jungle is not easy, so there are definitely some key points that you should keep in mind when you enter the world of networking.
To make it a little easier, we've put together 8 rough guidelines to never leave home without:
1) Be picky - just because you're getting out there to meet new people, does not mean that every event is right for you. Make sure you know what the event is about and that it leans towards your networking goals. If you're not interested in the event, you're not going to make your best effort to get involved.
2) Head n' Shoulders - no mess, no fuss! Don't be flakey, make a commitment to yourself and to an event. There is no pressure when signing up for events, it is best to commit only to the things that you can actually make it to. In the end you'll find you're more productive and have better time management.
3) Your mantra - Before going to your event be sure to set your goals and focus. What do you want to achieve? How many connections do you want to make? What type of connections do you want to make? Having this mindset beforehand will also play into your attitude and conversation while you're there.
4) Don't forget your business cards - I don't know how many events I've been to where people tell me they have forgotten their cards. WHY ARE YOU THERE? You may as well have forgotten to show up. Remembering your business cards should be as automatic as remembering your cell phone and car keys.
5) Introduce yourself to the event coordinator - Who do you think got all those people there? This is a step that many people miss. Introduce yourself and create a rapport with the event coordinator, if your conversation skills fail at the event; at least you know the person with ALL the connections.
6) The 1 minute pitch - This is something that you should have down cold. It may take a few tries to get it right, but you have very little time to make an impact and gain interest. Make sure you convey what you do, where you do it and who you do it for. Try to be sure to leave some kind of mental bookmark in their mind, with a tagline of the services you provide. Think Mickey D's "I'm lovin' it!"
7) Think 'relationship' - Each conversation is a delicate budding flower. OK, not exactly, but it does take time and effort to develop solid relationships. You never know when a contact will think of you and decide they have a referral or need your services themselves. It doesn't need to be ALL business, just be yourself and you'll see the rapport building naturally. ...and the most important of all of these things
8) Follow-up! - If you remember nothing else this is the one thing to remember. Follow up is the key to maintaining contact. I generally suggest following up as soon as possible so that your conversation or meeting with the person is still fresh in both of your minds. The more you remember about each other, the more likely you are to develop your relationship further.
Hey, networking isn't a science and as long as you keep your mind open to meeting new people and sharing information, the more you will get out of it. No one ever accomplished anything by doing it alone! Follow these guidelines and you'll be on the road to eternal happiness....maybe not, but you'll have a huge contact list to tap into and probably make some very useful friends.
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